Advocates for Business.

Advocating for business is not just about what you know, but who you know. With a wealth of contacts from across politics, industry and the media, True North will make sure you are connected to the right people at the right time. 

Government Relations and Public Affairs

Government has an ever-increasing role in business and the economy. True North will connect you with the right leaders and policymakers to ensure your ambitions and concerns are not just heard but listened to. 

True North has been pivotal in fostering renewed and improved relationships between Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce and politicians and policymakers to ensure the voice of business is heard at all levels of government.

Russell Borthwick, Chief Executive Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce

Business to Business Networks

In business, cooperation is often as important as competition. With experience across a range of sectors, and a wide network of industry contacts, True North will put you at the centre of Scotland’s business nexus.

High-impact Events

Events can not only raise your profile but also build your influence. True North organise presentations, receptions, and dinner discussions with senior policymakers and industry leaders, bringing your organisation to the fore. 

This was the first time Camphill School had taken its case to parliament and the smiles on the faces of the young people who attended the parliamentary reception said it all.

Camphill School

Inward Investment

We do not just support businesses already in Scotland and the UK, but those that want to establish themselves here. With experience across global business, international diplomacy and national and economic development agencies, True North will make sure you are best placed to build your business here.

Insights & news

Challenges for Labour and SNP as both jostle for poll position
We’ve released the latest results of our new Scotland-wide poll today — this time looking at the political lay of the land, in this a General Election year. What’s clear is that Labour continues to breathe down the SNP’s neck. 36% of Scots would vote SNP in a UK General Election, placing support for the party just a nose ahead of Labour on 34%. The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats could expect to pick up 16% and 8% of the vote respectively. On seats from these numbers (based on new constituency boundaries) Prof Sir John Curtice projects 23 apiece to the SNP and Labour, 6 seats for the Tories and 5 for the Lib Dems. The SNP would enjoy…
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  • Uncategorized
Happy New Year for Keir?
anuary is hardly the optimal season for camping in Scotland, but with a General Election looming it was only to be expected that the New Year bells would be accompanied by a flurry of political tent pitching. Rishi Sunak’s beleaguered government is rapidly running out of time to turn things around, but despite Labour’s sustained and substantial lead in the polls, the Tories have not yet thrown in the towel. Although the Prime Minister has indicated a preference for an election in the second half of the year, he could well be bluffing. He’s certainly keeping his options open. Astute observers will have noticed that the date of the Spring Budget 2024 has been brought forward to 6 March, when the Chancellor is widely expected to hand out sweeties for everyone…
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  • Insight & Analytics
  • Political Analysis
Geoff and Panel
The morning after the budget before
The latest Scottish Government budget was the most significant of the devolution era. In her first public event since she announced her tax and spend plans yesterday, speaking at a True North business breakfast in Edinburgh Finance Secretary Shona Robison defended her decision to significantly raise personal taxation, saying she had to make “wicked decisions and choices” to protect spending on key public services such as the NHS. Among the headline budget announcements was the creation of a new 45 percent tax band on incomes between £75,000 and £125,140, while the top rate of tax was also raised to 48 percent. Meanwhile, the higher..
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  • Events
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  • SNP
  • Tax